Kinder Outdoor Podcasts
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This Week at Kinder Outdoors

Larry Weishuhn Knives

GIFT IDEAS...For the Outdoorsman

Come into the camphouse as Billy and his special guests discuss GREAT gift ideas for men, women and children who love the great outdoors.

From fishing baits, reels, boats, knives, hunts, socks, gloves, and neck gators to kid's books and MORE, Billy's FAVORITE ideas have made his 2024 Christmas Shopping List.

TUNE IN to our KO December 21st Show...


Kevin VanDam FB KVD Experience TV Show

New TV Show...KVD

Climb onboard as Billy and Kevin VanDam, Pro Angler discuss some of his favorite gift ideas as well as his new TV show,
"The VanDam Experience".

Kevin shares his excitement about his first personal show which begins on December 31st on the Outdoor Channel. It will air six times per week.

TUNE IN to our KO December 21st Show...